Friday, November 21, 2008

Re: using the public library

We are lucky enough to have a library that just opened up near our center. We are currently talking with the new librarian about having walking field trips to the library once a month for a special storytime for our students. We are going to invite the parents to these field trips where we will be doing crafts in addition to reading the books and taking a library tour. We are hoping that this will give the kids a chance to really see what the library has to offer.

We also have been giving out library card applications to all of our families, sending home information on upcoming library events, and also literacy information pushing the importance of the library system. I think having a librarian come to your school is a great idea if you can't get out there on a field trip.

Lacey Christman
Highline Head Start - Park Lake One
10041 Sixth Avenue SW
Seattle, WA 98146
(p) 206.762.6070 x314
(f) 206.762.6034 

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